Faith Life

Twice a year our students attend the sacrament of Reconciliation as a school. Students go once during Advent and once during Lent, as a way to prepare for the beautiful celebrations at the end of each liturgical season. Students and their families are encouraged to take part in this great sacrament as often as they can.
Reconciliation is offered at Holy Cross Catholic Church on Saturdays from Saturday at 3:30-3:50 p.m. One may also call the parishes for individual times.
Students in 2nd grade will have the opportunity to prepare for and receive their First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion through Holy Cross Catholic Church. Students will prepare for both sacraments in the classroom by using the “Christ Our Life” religious textbook series. They will also need to attend a Saturday retreat for each sacrament, outside of regular school hours. First Reconciliation is normally the first week of December. While First Holy Communion is held in late April/early May. In order to receive both of these blessed sacraments through Holy Cross Catholic Church, a student must be baptized Catholic.
Every week during the school year each student that has made their First Holy Communion has the opportunity to receive the Eucharist during the student-led Masses.